Saturday, February 6, 2010

American History 101. Why I hate the tea partiers.

This was written in response to Palin's remarks about Revolution in her horrible excuse for a speech at the tea party convention.

What does this woman know about revolution? What do those people know about the constitution? Seems like nothing. Shut your mouths and pick up a book. Take it from a Libertarian, and a Jeffersonian. You cheer over her all you want, and at the same time you want to follow in Jefferson's ideas? While she does overlap some, the differences out weight these similarities ten fold.

Infrastructure, we will start there. Jefferson wanted NO federal money spent on it, what does she do? SHE WANT'S A BRIDGE BUILT FOR 50 PEOPLE! As well as that gas pipeline of hers. Tommy wouldn't of wanted that. Jefferson wanted the states to be self reliant, she asked the federal government for over $700 million in a span of 24 months. Her stance on this being a christian nation contradicts Jefferson's strict stance on separation of church and state. Back in the 18th century, she would of been seen as a loyalist and ostracized. Her love of the word "defense" brings up another red flag. She wishes too keep America poised and ready, while Jefferson believed a standing army is a waste of money in time of peace. As well as her parties support of Homeland Security, a thing one of Jefferson's rival, Hamilton would of loved. Her firm stance on anti-gay marriage would of most likely contradicted Jefferson's views. He was well versed in classical themes, as were many. He would of been understanding, but this is conjecture. The fact she didn't get rid of ALL taxes and ALL special interest programs. If she wished too be president like him, then she would have too give up ALL powers aside from vetoing and signing bills and pardons. Still want to rally behind the Alaskan maverick?

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