Saturday, May 23, 2009

Record breaking!

So I started my extra top secret project, I have to say I am very pleased with the first try. I bought some cheap records from this local record shop I frequent (one of them turned out to be a Foreigner one). The one I used tonight was a underground rap group from Miami. The single mentions the word black so I rolled with that. I went off this song from The Sword called "How Heavy This Axe", which is amazing. It's these black metal skeleton warriors with broad axes in the middle of a thunderstorm (cause it's been raining non-stop here in Tampa).

What did I learn?

White out = Ink
Ink = "Black" out
I have to get some dip white out or white opaque ink to do my next ones. I have some gruesome idea's in my head for the other two I am working on.

I also finished my second (or maybe first) piece in that 1860's series of illustrations. I am really happy with it, it looks great, I may not ink it, I may ink it, I know I am framing it.

For now I am out, going to lay down, play some Warriors Orochi 2, watch some Hulk and go to bed.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I may be opening a venue...with some help.

I have been booking shows for almost 3 or 4 years now in the Tampa Bay area. For that same span of time I have always wanted to open up my own venue. There are some great venues, but not many are left in Pinellas County, most are at opposite ends. In St Pete, most are on Central, theres one or two in Pinellas Park area and then there is a few at the north end. Nothing in the middle of the county.

Another issue is the constant demand for shows from a bloated scene. There isn't enough venues to meet the demand for shows of legit bands. I've heard from so many clubs that they can't handle the overload of emails from young bands wanting to open a show for a 15 minute time slot. It's hard for the clubs because when they do book them they may not even draw, and it's hard for the kids because some of the really good bands don't get noticed.

I have talked with a few close friends of mine that I have known for a good while and we have come to the conclusion that the Clearwater/Largo area needs a venue for the young extreme acts. All of us have been in the scene for about 20 years combined. We have all decided be it one time only, be it a sporadic amount of events, or be it a permanent main stay. We are currently looking into opening a venue.

Nothing is confirmed, we are still in the talking stages right now, but we have all decided to pursue this in one way or another. An if this goes through I have been asked to be the booking agent for the venue. So I will be looking into alot of the bands in the Largo/Clearwater area for this.

Work completed.

After some commotion with a client I have finished my work for two others.