Friday, January 29, 2010


I came up with the name for the comic. The Lion Hunter. Back as far as I can remember, but up til the 19th century England, sometimes the UK was called the "Lion" or the "bold Lion". So I thought it only fit too call it such. It wouldn't sound right calling it the Bull Hunter (for John Bull) or WASP Hunter. Going to do some color studies for the main character tonight or tomorrow. Have the idea of his clothes set out.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Round 2

Tonight I finished some concept are for the main character whom I have no name for yet. The book has no name either, it's kinda irking me. Got a assload of new projects this week.

Time for some more Patriot.

Monday, January 25, 2010

New Endeavors

I don't know if I ever formally told anyone anything but I decided after talking with the girl and watching David Petersen's amazing videos on ustream with her, I am going to make my own comic. I found a few distributors, I have everything I need as far as supplies and programs are concerned, have some ideas hatching and it's coming together nicely.

I will be making a blog for this once the concept art is done.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Two new pieces.

Here are two roughs of a shirt design for The Lonesome City Travelers Band and a logo rough for my friends band Ares.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Catch up

Been pretty busy lately. School started last week. Girl and I kinda kicked our selves in the ass more which ended up biting me back. I signed up for Design class because of two things. A. I wanted to take it so I can take painting, and B. I thought I may learn something. It was explained to me as a computer based class, meaning Photoshop. It is actually arts and crafts where I have to make a fucking pop up book. Dropped that class. Now I only have two, which leaves more time for work, but another semester til my A.A.

I've been working alot lately on new clients. Sent some roughs to The Lonesome Travelers band, a sick bluegrass troop from Orlando and Orchistrated Misery Records. Both of which I am waiting on. I am about to start working on the new logo for Crystal Mountain and I am also doing a few personal pieces which will be up for sale. I am also in talks with this stoner metal band from Ohio called Lo Pan, going to be doing a brutal promo poster for them hopefully.

Ran into alot of friends, guys from Ares want me to do a new myspace for them and possibly a logo. Got to send them a few things this week. Been busy.

Went to the Brooksville Re-enactment today with my Mom, Dad and girlfriend. Had alot of fun, took lots of pictures, was a really beautiful day. Nice conversation with the girl, learned some stuff from re-enactors. Found out I have a huge ass head and have to get my new cavalry hat custom made. Did get a new cavalry saber though, which is sick, thing goes for $125, paid $37. Got the girl a few things she loved. Had the most amazing lemonade as well.

Really great day. Off too ink.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Ram-air or, Night of the Ibex

Finished pencils of a piece I got the idea for from watching Barret Jackson. I am inking it right now.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Here is a rough idea I came up for Orchestrated Misery Records. They gave me a idea and free ground, here is one outlook.

Finished Mothpatterns

Finished it a few nights ago, didn't get around to sending them it. I am going to start working on a personal piece and Orchestrated Misery Records shirt.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Years.

Since the new year has came a few days ago I got to thinking about a few things. I am starting to become more and more happy about the direction my life is heading. I feel very grounded, but not suffocated or stuck. The love life is shelved away in a fashion I need not worry about. School is coming along at a steady speed. My art is growing each time I pick up a pencil and my business is getting more and more notoriety as it chugs along. I will be starting the screen printing indefinitely. I have the materials now, I am set. I really though want to pick up hiking more. I find it very soothing and relaxing, especially with Sam by my side. I enjoy going into nature and sketching it. I decided I am going to keep a 365 sketchbook like noted before. Of things I see everyday. I am doing well so far.

I have a few resolutions, some reasonable some probably very unrealistic.

1. Start up my clothing store. I am making designs for my own shirts. I like what I am doing with them. I will screen print it all my self.
2. Start limited runs of my prints and other bands shirt.
3. Get a better scanner.
4. Learn too paint better.
5. Hike the Big Cypress ring.
6. Hike part of the Florida trail in Ocala.
7. Start recording my music/ get a M-Audio module.
8. Start hunting this season.
9. Send work to some publishers.

1. Hike part of the Georgia sector of the Appalachian Trail.


Here is the finished product. Colored and inked.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Here are the finished pencils for the Mothpatterns shirt. Have a few things to add here and there. Did alot of short hand for now that I will fill in when I ink it.


So it's the new year, blah blah blah. Started working on the two winners pieces I chose from my contest. Right now the one for Mothpatterns. Pretty sick idea they had, justa decaying horse, nasty watering trough, and a run setting, drab colors. I am almost done with the pencils. The other is for Orchestrated Misery Records, guy had a odd idea that escapes me right now.

I finished the Morpheus Tales piece for issue 8. Not my best work but I like it, not much for monkeys.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year.

Happy new year! So this year has alot in store for me. I am starting up screen printing. My girlfriend will be assisting me and I am starting up Marauder Clothing again like I wanted too before. I felt generous and gave 2 bands free designs this year. I have work for Trainwreck still in works, logo for Crystal Mountain and a few other bands need stuff done too. I will be doing prints on various materials that I have at my disposal. I also will be hopefully finishing up the bulk of my classes so I have my A.A. degree almost out of the way.

Had a great productive year last year. Hope this next year will be better. Spent new years with my girlfriend and her friend and her friends boyfriend. Had a lot of fun, woke up went to a Chinese buffet, came back, watched new Harry Potter and worked a bit. Then got more Chinese and went out for ice cream. Ended the night watching Barret Jackson.