Sunday, November 29, 2009


So this Thanksgiving was my birthday. It was great, had alot of my family there, Sam came too. She said it was her first real thanksgiving. She was very impressed by my grandmother's cooking, I knew she would. Received some very nice gifts, had alot of fun. Spent the night at Sam's, made cookies and watched mythbusters. Woke up to head to Emerald City's black friday sale and visited some other stores. We then stayed in and spent the rest of the night as normally. Had a great weekend, best birthday in awhile. Going hiking soon with Sam as a gift too my self.

In work related stuff. Inking the Morpheus Tales work tonight, I am fully booked and am turning away work right now.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sweet smell of things to come.

So I know not many artists brag about clients, but I don't consider this bragging. I am a new guy in the scene, been doing it for awhile, but I am new. I get excited with clients that have a larger base. So I got an email from a Russian independent label asking me to do a undisclosed album cover for the debut of the sideproject from the guys from a North Carolina sludge/drone/psychedelic band that will remain unnamed, but they have some weight to them.

I am really excited about this, going to start working on it soon. Have a hefty work load lately, haven't been free of a client since August.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Been sick, didn't do much, started finishing the colors on Crystal Mountain's shirt. I will post it tonight, it's the rough version. I also am starting to work on a new more art nouveau piece, need to edit and color it. I am getting over what I had.

Mike and I will be jamming soon with Gray Ghost and I have a possible new venture with my old friend Paul and his friend Kyle doing some ethereal type drone what would be called post metal.

Monday, November 9, 2009

It goes on.

So the comic convention was alot of fun, Sam and I enjoyed it alot. I got some cool shit and so did Sam. Got Sam's Obama comic signed by Todd Nuack. Saw a old friend I haven't seen in awhile. The Brand New show was also great, found out why Sam loves them so much, really great band live, and I also found out I like Thrice.

Downfall? I got a fucking headcold. So right now I kinda postponed all work I have been doing. I have a few clients waiting on me, it'll pass in a few days.

Yesterday I got sick and Sam took care of me all day, love that girl.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Oh yes...

Going to Tampa comic con with my girl today, buying shit I don't need but oh so want.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So this tattoo design I am doing is taking longer than I hoped. It's beginning to become a pain in the ass. Crystal Mountain's shirt design is coming along nicely, now to ink it. I also finished a mock up of Ampsontwelve's logo, posted below. Hellas Mounds never got back to me so I inked the piece I did for them and used watercolor markers on it, I have to say I love it, so did Sam, kinda surrealist looking. That'll be posted when it's touched up. Comic Convention this weekend with Sam, Brand New show tomorrow night in Ybor with Sam and her friend Lea.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


This is part of a design I am doing for a band called Crystal Mountain, calling him Crystallus.