Saturday, December 5, 2009


So today I did a little people watching at my local high end mall. I have to say I didn't like what I noticed. From one bad extreme to another, what becomes the "edgy" clothing trend is still annoying the hell out of me. These bright animal print colors, the hideous degradation into popularity of my childhood cartoons, the horrendous 80's hair. They also high jacked my beloved plaid! I wore that shit when I was a kid it's fine. It's like they mixed the horrible elements of the 80's and 90's culture and assimilated it into what is the in trend. Before it was the tight pants and the comb over hair do. Now it's hair spray everywhere and these skater kids that look like Eddie Vedder.

Mix this with the horrible artwork that Ed Hardy puts out on his clothing, the stupid band tee's sold at the skater stores, the badly designed "screamo" and "core" band shirts".

I had to rant. I hate kids.

By the way, read Marvel's new SIEGE: The Cabal, fucking excited!

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