Saturday, May 22, 2010

New blog

Anyone at all who reads this, I no longer use it. I still go on here but I will be posting now on my new word press page because myspace doesn't hate it.
hit it up.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


My work load is filled. I'm backed up. I haven't been able to post lately but I will have my process piece up. I finished the piece for Faces of Bayon and the process will be posted soon. I am working on a album layout for Destruction Volt, shirt for Wolf on Fire and a layout for Gethsemane.

I am also making a wordpress for a site for myspace because it sucks and won't let this link.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Ok, I've been really swamped this month and it just keeps adding up. I'm neglecting this so I'm going to have to make this a once a week thing to post stuff, at least. I am always trying to put up as much content as I can. This week I've have three shirt designs to do a few logos and such. Next month looks like a busy one, a very busy one. I have a album piece that may take a month to do cause how detailed it'll be, but it will be a great portfolio piece.

Here is the finished Faces of Bayon shirt design. This week I will be putting up the process post.

Monday, April 12, 2010

New things

Well this week I have been swamped, helping the girlfriend pack for remodeling, working on my comic book and then I had alot of work to do for clients. I have no content to post except for something new I am trying. While I don't do spec work, this is different. Through the marvelous Big Illustration Party Time podcast I found out about Threadless and their submission contests. While I don't expect to win, I feel I will get some clients from it. Below is the penciled version of a piece I am going to submit. I'll let people know when I submit it so you can vote on it.

This week I got a cool new client from Ragnarok Records, this doom band from Mass called Faces of Bayon that want a shirt design of the Bayon temple faces. I am totally stoked for this and I am going to start working on it tonight. More on that later.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Haven't put up much content lately. Almost finished with the shirt design for At the End of the World. Sent in three pieces two took over 3 hours and one took 45 minutes. The 45 minute one was accepted.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Time to unveil!

fter much back and and me not being able to make up my damn mind. I finally finished a concept and a sketch for it. Like I mentioned earlier the new story will be about too mid 20 year old moonshiners from Zephyrhills, FL that are being hunted down by a big whiskey baron who want's their recipe because these two boys (Jethro and Al) are cutting into his bottom line all over the south.

This is just a rough inking but this is the main idea for them.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

How not to rub a artist you commisioned, the wrong way.

While I am finishing up inks to post. Here is a little thing I wanted to put up. It's called How to Be a Douche bag Client. I very rarely, if ever, complain about any of my clients. I enjoy my work, I have realizing people's ideas and concepts onto paper and print. But out of the countless numbers of things I have done I have maybe two clients that left a bad taste in my mouth.

So here is a story for anyone that wants work done by that certain artist. You set aside a budget to get work done by them. You contact them and you get everything squared away. They send you a the finished sketch, you approve and it goes off to inking and rendering color. You responded to them, they know already you like what's going to happen. You told them the color scheme, inking won't do to much different to the piece.

The artist takes more time on this than usual to get it just right, maybe they really enjoy the concept, feel it is a way to release some personal preferences. Be it the subject, the medium or the style. They put alot more effort than usual. They do a few re dos turns into a 2 and a half week piece so it's perfect. They send it to you........................................................... An that's what they get, nothing, silence, you don't respond. You just don't respond, don't pay attention. A week, eh, forgivable, two weeks, maybe something happened. Anytime after that means that you probably ditched and you just ruined any chances to ever work with this artist you liked so much ever again. We liked the work so much, he put it up for sale for another client that will contact him. If you signed a contract that stipulates lack of communication for a certain amount of time equals rights being retained by the artist to do what he pleases, even if you put money twords it, 50% upfront which is the usual thing. You did wrong by him, he still has to make a living. So this is a message, keep in contact, it helps guys.

Monday, March 15, 2010

I can't make up my mind.

Yesterday the girl and I went on our hike. After mother nature pissed on our first planned day and then Sam became ill for a span of 10 hours we went Sunday. Left at 10 am got there at 11. It was amazing, our jaws dropped when we got within 8 miles of the place. It was already beautiful. Like the Artimus Pyledriver song says "Black water, Lord don't ya scare me I embrace all the tranquility." I feel at home out there and Sam did too. I'll get into it when I posted the pictures.

But after that I watched a documentary I love (seen it a million times) about Moonshiners on the History Channel. I had an idea pop into my mind to instead of doing a really graphic occult comic first, to do a adventure/action/comedy one about two Moonshiners from Zephyrhills, FL. I won't put any details out yet but I have finished the concept sketches and have the story laid out. This will be easier for my first one because the I, Six book will have 13 reoccurring characters that I am not near finishing the art on. It'll be called Popskull though.

Friday, March 12, 2010

I, Six

After a long week I started working on my second round of sketches for my comic. I'm really laying out their accouterments more and getting some stances that give more feel and personality to the characters. I am also doing some more work on their look and outfits seeing as half of them ended up looking like the Black Knight from Monty Python's Holy Grail. This week has been pretty hectic. Had a few layouts and flash banners to do, some logos and a album cover. This weekend I'll be taking a break because it is my girlfriend and I's 2 year anniversary and we are going hiking and such. Should be fun.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Busy week.

Right now I have five clients I am juggling. I actually found some time to finish half the concept art for the comic, I, Six, that I am creating. Below I posted a sketch of one of the characters, Bathin, based off one of the demons in the Lesser Key of Solomon. I also posted below the poster I did for Lo Pan. Still waiting on a reply from these guys. Had a great week last week, going to have a great weekend this week. Girl and I are celebrating two years together. We are going hiking in this amazing state park that is part of the Florida Trail. Been wanting to go for awhile. They have rapids, suspension bridges, swamps, wet lands and wild life galore. Gators are definite, maybe some Bears! OH! I also posted a sketch I did a week ago I dug.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Morpheus Tales/Lo-Pan finished

This weekend I finished the poster for Lo Pan, I will be posting it once I get the approval. I also did a quick ink wash for this next issue of Morpheus Tales. It's pretty loose but I dig it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New things.

This week I have 4 different things I am working on at the same time. Doing some new ideas for the print I am going to do. Officially have everything I need. Just want to do some tests. I am almost finished with the poster. I have a few things to take care of then it is done. I am starting faze two of the A.T.E.T.W pieces. Got the ideas they wanted, now I will start my final pieces. I also finished a rough for a logo for this pretty sick band called Electric Sister. I also am really psyched to be doing the artwork for the of Catapult The Smoke's new album. Love those fucking swedes.

I wanted to change some things up, style wise. Here is a sketch I did last night. I like it.

Saturday I went to the Ringling Museum of Art again with the girl for my Art History 2 class. Had alot of fun, really enjoyed it with her. Took alot of pictures, saw alot more of the grounds. Have some new favorite pieces. Finally found the piece they have of my favorite artist of all time (Gustave Dore). Then we had some amazing sea food that was caught 4 hours before we ate it. She had fried shrimp, I had fried oysters. Was a great time. Pics soon.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Right now I am working on concepts for the main feature of the At the End of the World EP cover. We came up with an idea for them to have a mascot/ reacquiring character for their stuff. So I am coming up with sketches right now. Have two really good ideas, will post later. I am almost done with the Lo-Pan poster colors. It's looking great, one of my strongest pieces yet.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New Project.

I received a very interesting email last night for a artistic proposal. This man collected a bunch of writings, not even short stories, kinda' hard to describe. But they are all related to human experiences, mostly dark themes. He is compiling sounds, compositions, music and visual art to accompany these writings. It will be published and also exhibited. He asked me to be a part of it. Received the stories last night, tonight I am going to comb over them and pick out which stories I would like to illustrate. Have some ideas to change up the style for these. I don't think how I do things for bands and my comic work will have the same effect. The work has been released for the music. I am very excited about this, it sounds very promising.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Screen Printing.

This week I will begin working on the piece I will be using on my first screen printed project. I am going to use the design that was intended for The Mountains of Judgment. I am going to be printing them on wood panels, my father has these scrap pieces that are Maple that will look great. I am excited about this, it will be just black and then the grain. Should look great.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

American History 101. Why I hate the tea partiers.

This was written in response to Palin's remarks about Revolution in her horrible excuse for a speech at the tea party convention.

What does this woman know about revolution? What do those people know about the constitution? Seems like nothing. Shut your mouths and pick up a book. Take it from a Libertarian, and a Jeffersonian. You cheer over her all you want, and at the same time you want to follow in Jefferson's ideas? While she does overlap some, the differences out weight these similarities ten fold.

Infrastructure, we will start there. Jefferson wanted NO federal money spent on it, what does she do? SHE WANT'S A BRIDGE BUILT FOR 50 PEOPLE! As well as that gas pipeline of hers. Tommy wouldn't of wanted that. Jefferson wanted the states to be self reliant, she asked the federal government for over $700 million in a span of 24 months. Her stance on this being a christian nation contradicts Jefferson's strict stance on separation of church and state. Back in the 18th century, she would of been seen as a loyalist and ostracized. Her love of the word "defense" brings up another red flag. She wishes too keep America poised and ready, while Jefferson believed a standing army is a waste of money in time of peace. As well as her parties support of Homeland Security, a thing one of Jefferson's rival, Hamilton would of loved. Her firm stance on anti-gay marriage would of most likely contradicted Jefferson's views. He was well versed in classical themes, as were many. He would of been understanding, but this is conjecture. The fact she didn't get rid of ALL taxes and ALL special interest programs. If she wished too be president like him, then she would have too give up ALL powers aside from vetoing and signing bills and pardons. Still want to rally behind the Alaskan maverick?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Today I got the green light with the layout. Score on that, was really happy with the way it turned out. I finished working on a logo today for Ares, I sent them it, will post the one they chose. I am 1/3 of the way finished with the Lo-Pan poster. I took a picture with my phone for you too see. I never thought I'd see white in the same light as a micron, but with this I do. It has helped alot with certain textures and such.

I received an interesting email today from a perspective client. They asked me if I would do two pieces, a logo and a t-shirt design, both implementing Charles Manson in it. While Manson has never sparked my interest before, the sort of idea's the band came up with were out of the norm of what I do. They asked me too do a illustration of him in priests garb at a altar. Should be interesting if we go through with this one.

I came up with another idea for a comic, well, a better story. This one I have had in my head since I was in highschool, I drew my first sketch of the character then. I am keeping this a bit close too the chest but once some more info comes about I will post it. Just saying, got some ideas from Dark Funeral's "666 voices".

Monday, February 1, 2010

Something something something bird scat.

I've had alot too work with these last few days. Things changed, Orchestrated Misery Records want me too do a cd design for Catapult the Smoke insted of a shirt design for them. Pretty fucking sweet, I love CTS. I finished my Ibex piece a few days ago, it will be below. Also posting the finished layout for Ares, also made a new one for my self. I have too send Crystal Mountain their logo this week and also have too get ahold of The Lonesome City Travelers for their shirt design, they haven't emailed me in two weeks. At The End of the World contacted me again too do another T-shirt design for them as well as a album layout. Pretty stoked up that, they just got some distro deals so congrats too them. Also have a few other people I am talking with now. Have another idea for a comic floating in my head. Need too jot it down tonight, maybe do some sketches.

Busy Busy Busy.

Friday, January 29, 2010


I came up with the name for the comic. The Lion Hunter. Back as far as I can remember, but up til the 19th century England, sometimes the UK was called the "Lion" or the "bold Lion". So I thought it only fit too call it such. It wouldn't sound right calling it the Bull Hunter (for John Bull) or WASP Hunter. Going to do some color studies for the main character tonight or tomorrow. Have the idea of his clothes set out.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Round 2

Tonight I finished some concept are for the main character whom I have no name for yet. The book has no name either, it's kinda irking me. Got a assload of new projects this week.

Time for some more Patriot.

Monday, January 25, 2010

New Endeavors

I don't know if I ever formally told anyone anything but I decided after talking with the girl and watching David Petersen's amazing videos on ustream with her, I am going to make my own comic. I found a few distributors, I have everything I need as far as supplies and programs are concerned, have some ideas hatching and it's coming together nicely.

I will be making a blog for this once the concept art is done.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Two new pieces.

Here are two roughs of a shirt design for The Lonesome City Travelers Band and a logo rough for my friends band Ares.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Catch up

Been pretty busy lately. School started last week. Girl and I kinda kicked our selves in the ass more which ended up biting me back. I signed up for Design class because of two things. A. I wanted to take it so I can take painting, and B. I thought I may learn something. It was explained to me as a computer based class, meaning Photoshop. It is actually arts and crafts where I have to make a fucking pop up book. Dropped that class. Now I only have two, which leaves more time for work, but another semester til my A.A.

I've been working alot lately on new clients. Sent some roughs to The Lonesome Travelers band, a sick bluegrass troop from Orlando and Orchistrated Misery Records. Both of which I am waiting on. I am about to start working on the new logo for Crystal Mountain and I am also doing a few personal pieces which will be up for sale. I am also in talks with this stoner metal band from Ohio called Lo Pan, going to be doing a brutal promo poster for them hopefully.

Ran into alot of friends, guys from Ares want me to do a new myspace for them and possibly a logo. Got to send them a few things this week. Been busy.

Went to the Brooksville Re-enactment today with my Mom, Dad and girlfriend. Had alot of fun, took lots of pictures, was a really beautiful day. Nice conversation with the girl, learned some stuff from re-enactors. Found out I have a huge ass head and have to get my new cavalry hat custom made. Did get a new cavalry saber though, which is sick, thing goes for $125, paid $37. Got the girl a few things she loved. Had the most amazing lemonade as well.

Really great day. Off too ink.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Ram-air or, Night of the Ibex

Finished pencils of a piece I got the idea for from watching Barret Jackson. I am inking it right now.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Here is a rough idea I came up for Orchestrated Misery Records. They gave me a idea and free ground, here is one outlook.

Finished Mothpatterns

Finished it a few nights ago, didn't get around to sending them it. I am going to start working on a personal piece and Orchestrated Misery Records shirt.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Years.

Since the new year has came a few days ago I got to thinking about a few things. I am starting to become more and more happy about the direction my life is heading. I feel very grounded, but not suffocated or stuck. The love life is shelved away in a fashion I need not worry about. School is coming along at a steady speed. My art is growing each time I pick up a pencil and my business is getting more and more notoriety as it chugs along. I will be starting the screen printing indefinitely. I have the materials now, I am set. I really though want to pick up hiking more. I find it very soothing and relaxing, especially with Sam by my side. I enjoy going into nature and sketching it. I decided I am going to keep a 365 sketchbook like noted before. Of things I see everyday. I am doing well so far.

I have a few resolutions, some reasonable some probably very unrealistic.

1. Start up my clothing store. I am making designs for my own shirts. I like what I am doing with them. I will screen print it all my self.
2. Start limited runs of my prints and other bands shirt.
3. Get a better scanner.
4. Learn too paint better.
5. Hike the Big Cypress ring.
6. Hike part of the Florida trail in Ocala.
7. Start recording my music/ get a M-Audio module.
8. Start hunting this season.
9. Send work to some publishers.

1. Hike part of the Georgia sector of the Appalachian Trail.


Here is the finished product. Colored and inked.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Here are the finished pencils for the Mothpatterns shirt. Have a few things to add here and there. Did alot of short hand for now that I will fill in when I ink it.


So it's the new year, blah blah blah. Started working on the two winners pieces I chose from my contest. Right now the one for Mothpatterns. Pretty sick idea they had, justa decaying horse, nasty watering trough, and a run setting, drab colors. I am almost done with the pencils. The other is for Orchestrated Misery Records, guy had a odd idea that escapes me right now.

I finished the Morpheus Tales piece for issue 8. Not my best work but I like it, not much for monkeys.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year.

Happy new year! So this year has alot in store for me. I am starting up screen printing. My girlfriend will be assisting me and I am starting up Marauder Clothing again like I wanted too before. I felt generous and gave 2 bands free designs this year. I have work for Trainwreck still in works, logo for Crystal Mountain and a few other bands need stuff done too. I will be doing prints on various materials that I have at my disposal. I also will be hopefully finishing up the bulk of my classes so I have my A.A. degree almost out of the way.

Had a great productive year last year. Hope this next year will be better. Spent new years with my girlfriend and her friend and her friends boyfriend. Had a lot of fun, woke up went to a Chinese buffet, came back, watched new Harry Potter and worked a bit. Then got more Chinese and went out for ice cream. Ended the night watching Barret Jackson.